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Artist Power Collective 'I AM' All-In Package (Annual)

It's time to unlock your artist power to make 2023 your best year ever!


Join The Artist Power Collective

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$1285 Per Year (Save $739 Annually)

Artist Power Collective 'I AM' All-In Annual Membership

Here's What You'll Get:

  • Monthly LIVE Group Coaching: Get access to an exclusive LIVE group coaching session with Garrain on a monthly live Zoom call (replay included) where you'll get teachings from Garrain, hot-seat coaching, and the ability to connect with other Artists striving for transformation and impact ($4,997 Value)
  • Monthly LIVE Group Business Calls: Get access to an exclusive LIVE group business coaching session with Emanuel on a monthly live Zoom call (replay included) where you'll get business hacks & strategies to share your gifts with the world in a practical but effective way ($2,997 Value)
  • Artist Power Collective Membership Portal: Get access to a private portal where you'll have direct access to all of your replays and resources to empower you to unlock your Artist Power ($997 Value)
  • Private Community: Get access to a private Facebook community where you'll get to network and receive support from people that genuinely want you to win and will hold you accountable along your journey ($997 Value)
  • Exclusive Live Streams: Get private invitations to small group coaching sessions from Garrain, Emanuel, or other Community Leaders within the private community ($1,997 Value)
  • Get Unstuck On-Demand: Get access to Get UNSTUCK, Garrain's 7-week course to finally break free from the cycle of things that have kept you stuck since a child ($997 Value)
  • Relationship Mastery On-Demand: Get access to Relationship Mastery, Garrain and Blair's 6-week program to create a powerful relationship of abundant love with your current, or future, partner ($997 Value)
  • Quarterly Courses: Get new on-demand courses and workshops to keep leveling up! Coming this quarter, Confidence Academy will be released to empower you to have mastery-level confidence as the Artist YOU are ($4,997 Value)
  • Monthly Inner Circle Expert Trainings: Get access to private trainings (LIVE & On-Demand) from Garrain's Inner Circle 1x per month - starting in February ($4,997 Value)

Total Value: $23,973

Only $1285 per year

($3.52 per day)

This saves you $739 annually compared to the monthly option

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